Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The River Hath POPPED!

A couple of hours ago the Bigfork River decided to open up for the season. I think this may have one of the bigger releases in the last few years. She seemed to have crested at around 13 feet with a discharge of over 10000 cubic feet per second. So one could say she is flowing like a mother fucker...I would love to see what the Doons look like right now. I bet they are just solid white from beginning to end. Man oh man do I want to have a good flow this year for the trip...everything goes so much smoother. I would be able to die a happy man if I lived to go on another trip like the one Ducky and I did that one year with a full group to share the awesome fucking ride. Next weekend I'm going to go and get some pics of the highway One rapids and maybe Little American. Wish I could go there tomorrow, but alas i have to work so that will be a no go. Maybe I could go this weekend and get some for the blog and my Facebook page, I will have to see if time allows. Few things are more beautiful that a rageing river in all it's bubbling, frothing powerful glory. The rumbling thunder of the flow is hypnotic and soothing like a hot drink on a cold winter's night. I am so sorry people, I thought I was going to have more energy to write tonight, but I'm fucking drained. I will get back sometime within the next few days to write about something from the trip. If any of you River Runner's think of an idea, please don't be afraid to drop a few jag bombs. Until then I will remain...Crazy Joe

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