Friday, May 13, 2011

The Year That Never Was But Happened Anyway

Now as those that read, oh how few you are, you should probably know by now that that this year's trip is going to be the 16th annual Memorial Weekend Canoe Trip, however, there was one year, in the past, in which we didn't hit the river but instead took a fishing trip to Crooked Lake. We didn't go on the Bigfork that year because the river level was too low to run, we had a very, very dry winter and spring, so instead we decided to take a fishing trip. In some ways this was a good thing, but in truth, all of us all made a comment at one time or another that we really missed the river and we would be back on her next year no matter what the level was.

Crooked Lake was a lake that was introduced to my best friend and I by his cousin Pat Cleath...AKA Fugly. I have to give some props to Fugly because he has passed away and is now on the great lake in the sky watching use from his place in Heaven. He was the one to find this lake and show it to Jer who in turn brought me to it. It turned out to be one hell of a lake for both Northern Pike and Crappie. Not once have I fished that lake and not gotten a fish there is that much action. The reason the fishing is so good on Crooked is because it is well off the beaten trail and takes a four-wheel driver vehicle to get to, which means it has low pressure from fishermen. It was the perfect spot for us to camp at, have some privacy and get in some stellar fishing.

Dishman and I were the first to arrive at the meeting spot because we planed it that way. He had gotten enough time off and I was done with school early, so we decided to get the weekend started a day or so before the rest of the crew. The General was planning on meeting us sometime early that morning because he had a load or two to truck at his job before he could get away for the festivities. Duckie, The Mule, Mini-Hulk and Digger were going to be out the following night late because of jobs and other reasons that I can't recall this many years later. Em was not able to make this trip because she was seven months prego with out last child Brennett. He was born that year on 7/27/07...what a sweet birthday to have.

So Dishman and I met at the cabin and got the gear ready for the weekend. Because we were camping at Crooked, we needed to make a few trips out there so we could transport our boats and my dads Polaris Magnum 500 four-wheeler . The wheeler IS an essential tool to get back to Crooked lake unless you borrow a buddies four-wheel drive truck and he tells you to "take her out and get some dirt on her." Words I would never speak to a Buddie unless I was a rich SOB...but I will get to that part a little later. In light of the fact that there was only two of us, we had to make three trips from the cabin to the spot we chose to park the vehicles and use the 500 to get us back to the lake. Well, I guess it was only two trips. The first one we brought our boats back to the road and the third we used to go and get the 500 so we could make the trips.

Once we had both boats, all the gear and the 500 at the start of the trail that lead to Crooked we stopped and had a cold one. It was at that moment that Dishman introduced me to the Jag-Bomb. He was acting a little odd, but that wasn't anything new for Jeff because he is an odd man...anyway we did a Jag-Bomb and then proceeded to get our gear out to the camp site. It took three trips from there to get both boats and the camping gear to the site. We were in no real hurry since it was just Dishman and I, so we took our time and caught up on all that had gone on over the last year.

When we got everything to camp we picked out spots out to sleep and proceeded to set up our tents. Now this was the first year that I had to set up the biggest tent of my life. Duckie had got some great deal on this massive tent hat has been dubbed the Taj Mahal becuase it is so big and a wonderful tent to camp in. It's s divided up into three sections with an entrance on all four sides. It is big enough for my family of six to camp in with some comfort and still have some privacy. In short the damn thing is massive. Nevertheless, being this was the first time I set it up it took a little bit because it was a tad unconventional. Being some experienced campers though it didn't take too long to establish camp, gather some wood and get both of our boats into he water.

Getting camp established Dishman and I proceeded to tie one on. We got lit like a candle in the dark and before we knew it, the General came bouncing onto the scene with my cousin's four-wheel drive truck...all the way back tot he camp site...hehe.

Well those that never read...I am about done for the I'm going to continue this tomorrow.

Until then I will remain...Crazy Joe.

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2005 River Runners

2006 River Runners