Bug and I checked out the first camp site tonight and she looks to be pretty good. There are a lot of dead trees around that I think I could whack up for other campers. You know, leave something behind for the next camper to appreciate. Even though in this day an age the next person may just take it for granted that there will always be wood there or even worse...expect it.
This is where we launched from last year. |
This isn't our favorite spot to put in on the Bigfork, but it is nice for its close access. |
A view of the steps from the Highway Six Bridge. |
The General and Gary launching. |
Radar and Jess putting the finishing touches on their gear. |
Johnny Rambo always goofing off. |
We are off. |
Some say that no plan survives first contact, and to that I say bullshit, because over the years our plans have came together like a beautiful union between the moon and tide, this year, however, is a totally different story.
I'm thinking that John maybe out this year as I haven't gotten a clear read from The General yet. One text message says he is in, the other says he is out and still another says he doesn't know. It is almost like trying to get a straight answer from a woman when you ask her which pair of shoes she likes best. So that means it would be down to just The General and I, while it would be a fun trip, it is always better when there is a group instead of just two. This is where my wife stepped in.
Just the other day she suggested that I take Brennett, our youngest on the trip this year. I hmmmed and haaawed about it a little bit. He is the youngest out of the family, however, being the youngest he has kind of gotten the shaft on a lot of opportunities just because of his age. He did have the pleasure of coming on a canoe trip some years ago, however, during that trip he was just a little boy in the middle of a canoe with little to no responsibility other than to just sit and stay balanced. On this trip though, he would be expected to paddle some as he would have the front seat in the Core Craft. I think it may upset my two other kids, Serenity and Logan, because he would get to do something they haven't yet. I'm thinking that maybe next year we just take the whole damn family on this thing if we are not going to have anymore participation from some of the regular crew.
In some ways I'm feeling that maybe The General is going to pull the plug on this year and not make it either. If he did it would be shitty, yet it would not be a deal-breaker. The only difference would be that I would have to make some adjustments as to the gear that I am going to bring as I would have to plan for a few more items in my canoe that I was planning on not bringing because of the small amount of people going. I would also have to take into account more food by me because I was hoping to split some of it with The General. I guess I'm a little frustrated this year.
I hate that it seems like this year just can't get off the ground. The trip is going to happen one way or another because this is something I refuse to give up or let go. We are so close to making it a quarter century that I can't let it go and die when we are within a few years of the goal.
As I am sitting her writing this, I going over in my head all that I'm going to need to make this trip happen and how in the hell I'm going to be able to get all of my gear into my 17 food Core Craft canoe. If The General dose not come, maybe he will let me take the Tank as it would provide Bug and I an extra three feet of space for the gear we will need to bring. I mean I'm going to have to go to the River Land in order to get my canoe and the paddles as we just chose to store everything there since it was easiest over the years.
5/23/2017 8:57 PM Update
Well I briefly spoke to The General today and it seems he has to be in the cities at 1 PM on Friday, which is two hours before I get off from work. This means that he won't be at the campsite until really late, if he even comes to the site. He may choose to just stay at the Rive Cabin and drive over in the morning. Now I'm not sure if Brother John is going to be with him or not because when I spoke with him John was still waiting to see how late he may have to work on Friday, meaning he isn't going to be up any earlier than Richie. I told him that I planned to camp at Harrison and spend the night in the tent with Brennett. We still haven't told him that he is going to be able to come with this year.
I'm not sure why I have waited to tell Bug that he is going to get to go canoeing this year. I guess I don't want to have to deal with the bitching from the other kids. I'm thinking it could be fun to take him, but then again it would be kind of nice to just go on my own and just chill for an evening in the woods alone. Decisions decisions...
I think I said I want to take a lot of pictures this year and put them up on the blog site. Since Ducky has quit coming that aspect of the blog has went down the crapper. I'm just not that much of a picture person, I suppose I could use my phone this year as I will be bringing it along for the ride. I'm just so damn scared I'm going to drop the damn thing in the river and have to go get a new one lol. That would be just my luck. Not going to think about that. I just have to be careful.
The problem with using your phone as a means to take pictures is that it tends to suck down the battery. My Glorified Charger isn't taking a charge from the wall anymore so I'm down to trying to use my pocket juice things. Problem is I can only find one of them right now. As long as I can keep a good charge going, then I think I will be alright for taking pictures. I suppose when we are not in the canoe, Bug can be the one to shoot some pics. I know he will like that.
Never before have we been this close to the trip without a solid game plan in place. I don't know who is coming and when which means I have no idea on what food I need to pack/plan for. I'm really considering keeping things very simple for this year. Dogs and bratwurst for sure. I'm going to try to get sausage links and I'm not sure if I'm going to put eggs in a container or just leave them in the carton. I know cartons get soggy, but with barely any people I don't think I'm going to need the big container as I will only have to bring a dozen eggs. I don't plan on making much of a breakfast on Saturday morning because I don't want to have to do any dishes . I may bring a couple of loafs of bread for sandwiches we can make Saturday morning for something to snack on. Of course I'm going to bring stiff for River Spuds, that is a must, however, I think I'm only going to bring five or six potatoes and just do a small batch.
I plan on only two cooler, the mess kit with some extra items in it. Two sleeping bags and two cots. One tent, the Spider Tent and three chairs. I like to have a chair in the tent for sitting and using as a make-shit dresser. We will have a clothes bag and a shoe bag. We will need a couple of rain jackets and one lantern. I also have the utility tote which has the odds and ends like extra stakes, rope, propane tanks and some other odds and ends. I will need at least two tarps, maybe three...not sure yet. I'm not going to bring my Coleman stove or an extra gallon of gas for it. I see no need as The General will have his propane one and we will only have four people. I'm not going to bring my saw unless The General comes and has room in The Tank. I will have an ax, shovel and maybe a bow saw, just got to remember it from the Cabin.
The Core Craft. |
That is a lot of gear to put into the canoe, but I'm confident that I can do it, I have done it before, however, I have never had a rookie like Bug before. All he needs to do is keep himself centered and paddle when and on what side when I tell him to.
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